Hello guys.... How are you doing today? We are going to be discussing ways to survive in a Nigerian boarding school. Boarding schools will always have both a positive side and a negative side. You get to be closer with your friends, learn how to take care of yourself and all of that. But sometimes it can be very hard to get by. Just for you to know, this is not representing all boarding schools in Nigeria. We obviously talk about the few we know and also add some spice to it. But not too much spice, so that you will be able to relate. Well lets get into this.
1. When seniors ask for provisions(Zape): Provisions also known as zape (in some schools) is something most boarding students won't leave home without when going back to school. Most people can relate to this phenomenon as it happens to almost everyone especially the juniors in a boarding school. I am going to discuss how most people will react to this and also tell you what you should do instead. Before I start let us assume the senior is X.
What most people do is to be silent or to pretend they actually don't have any provisions but obviously X won't believe you. Then, X will just pick out anyone and tell them to open their box/lockers. And they will take more than what they even wanted in the first place.So instead of doing that just come clean and "nominate" yourself. You will realize that at first X will be shocked that you even confessed to having any. Then 90% out of 100 the senior will just ask for maybe just milk or something really petty. Make sure you don't keep all your provisions in one spot. You can keep them in different places from under your bed, your locker, your boxes and so on.
Try to beg X into giving you back what he's taking even though you know you have more. Most times that will not work but it would make it seem like that is actually all you have. Also try to talk X into becoming your school father as this is your oppourtunity! Don't waste it. Tell him how that is your only provision and how you wish he can be protecting you from other seniors who might want to take out of your provisions. This will work most of the time.
2. Fap(Gbe, Egbe): This is a term for "steal" in boarding schools. If someone says that a person fap or Gbe or Egbe the person's things it just means someone stole his stuff. This is quite common in most schools. To get through this, make sure you keep your things in a safe place, make sure they are not just lying around. Also make sure you keep an eye on your things and don't tell people where you are keeping them. Most times if they "fap" something from someone (someone who is used to the game), he will also "Egbe" another person's one. Furthermore, whenever someone in the boarding house says they are going shopping, they actually are but without the cash. In other words, whatever they see on the way is theirs. Shirts, socks, cutlery, whatever it is. Make sure you have extra clothes like (uniforms, socks) for backup in case it gets stolen or anything of that sort.
Thank you for reading. Make sure you share and come back for another banger. Peace. Siralba….
This shit is funny af ........ I'm surviving now👍🏿
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